Learning Lab for Adoption of Micro Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training (LAB4microVET)

On 16 June 2022, the Council of the European Union (EU) adopted a Recommendation on a European approach to microcredentials for lifelong learning and employability. The Recommendation seeks to support the development, implementation and recognition of micro-credentials across institutions, businesses, sectors and borders.
However, there is no common definition of micro-credentials in EU countries, there is a lack of standards to describe and recognise them across countries. The legal aspects of micro-credentials providers, value, quality, recognition, transparency and ‘portability’ is for national education policies to decide. Educational organisations in member states are developing their own practices of providing micro-qualification courses and so far universities have been in the forefront of the shorter and more flexible learning opportunities for adults.
Without doubt, VET education institutions need to step ahead to be able to offer more diverse choices for up-skilling and reskilling of adults according to the labour-market needs. Shorter and more flexible qualifications in VET education are considered to help several target groups to re-enter the labour market or obtain additional skills for their performance.
The need for a systematic approach of providing micro-credentials is widely appreciated. But there is a lack of systematic approaches on how to develop those courses; what are the standards that apply for courses that will offer micro-credentials. What should be the links with the VET qualifications; how to measure quality and issue certificates that are transparent and recognisable in the long run. Thus there is a need to create a system for embedding micro-credential courses as a part of the education path to their national legislation framework and adult training offers.
The project consortium will develop the strategies for micro-credentials for VET education, pilot and share knowledge in 5 partner countries.

The overall objective is to expand flexible education and training opportunities by accelerating provision of micro-credentials in European vocational education and training institutions.
In specifically the project will:
1) learn and benchmark to develop effective strategies for delivery of micro-credential courses in VET education institutions of 5 partner countries;
2) transfer knowledge and tools to accelerate micro-credentials delivery in vocational education institutions in Europe.

The activities are divided in 3 work-packages:
WP1 – Project management
WP2 – Building up micro-credentials uptake system in VET
WP3 – Transferring knowledge and skills

The project main results are:
1) improved knowledge about micro-credential uptake and strategic planning in 5 VET schools;
2) developed strategies and piloted micro-credentials in 5 VET schools proved viability;
3) compiled and launched an electronic e-toolkit with instructions and practical worksheets on how to plan and implement micro-qualification courses;
4) raised awareness among stakeholders, reached about 250 users and thus accelerated uptake of micro-credential courses in VET schools.

01.10.2023 – 31.12.2025

Tartu Vocational College (lead partner)
GRETB – Galway Technical Institute (IR)
Institut Escola del Treball (ESP)
Zealand Business College (DE)
OÜ Innowise (EST)

Project coordinator:
Kaire Mets, kaire.mets@voco.ee