Hydrogen Centres of Vocational Excellence (H2CoVE)
The Hydrogen Centres of Vocational Excellence (H2CoVE) project aims to develop a skilled workforce in the partner regions and across Europe to enable a successful transition to a hydrogen-based economy.
Main objectives:
- Connecting and engaging citizens, education and research institutions and businesses for continuous knowledge sharing and innovation in hydrogen skills at European level through a specially designed platform.
- Improving required knowledge and skills among students, workers, and the potential workforce on basic and advanced applications for the hydrogen economy.
- Developing, updating and testing courses, modules and education programmes which answer to the needs of the industry in the partner regions at different VET levels in an inclusive way.
- Ensuring European added value and sustainability for project results by embedding and transferring best practices between regions and ecosystems throughout Europe.
Main deliverables:
- Involve 150 teachers at different vocational education and training levels in Train- the-Trainer courses and attract around 800 stakeholders from the business sector.
- 1000 employees will take part in upskilling and reskilling activities and 140 students will take part in a specially designed project competition for challenge-based learning.
- At least 12 project/bachelor/master theses on real challenges in the sector will be written.
See more from the project website
Austria (AT)
Netherlands (NL)
Norway (NO)
Ukraine (UA)
Tartu Vocational College (EE)
Tallinn University of Technology, Virumaa College (EE)
Estonian Aviation Academy (EE)
Skycorp Technologies (EE)
01.03.2024 – 29.02.2028
EU grant:
3 978 887 EUR
Project manager:
Ismail Mirzojev (ismail.mirzojev@voco.ee)