Hybrid Learning Lab for Industry 4.0 Mechatronics (HLL4I4.0 Mechatronics)

Industry 4.0 describes the growing and most recent trends in the manufacturing process. The application of technology to digitally transform how industrial companies operate, including the application of the Internet-of-Things, cyber-physical systems (CPS), smart factories, cloud computing and cognitive computing into the manufacturing and service environment. These recent Industry 4.0 advances/enablers (along with other Industry 4.0 evolving domains such as 3D printing, artificial Intelligence techniques, advanced robotics and automation, big data analytics and cutting-edge wireless communication technologies) have been changing the landscape of industries at a global scale and relevant implementation is highly dependent on the capability of the workforce.

In order to develop human capital that will be able to perform in an Industry 4.0 working environment, the role of the initial vocational education and training (IVET) curriculum at the upper secondary school level is crucial in terms of preparing IVET students for an Industry 4.0 working environment.

Centres/secondary schools for IVET are confronted with new challenges in anticipating and responding in due time to the fast needs of the Industry 4.0 related labour market/to the expectations of companies/SMEs operating in Industry 4.0 domains, where the speed of change is faster than ever/the “shelf-life” of relevant knowledge, skills and competencies is becoming increasingly short. To address this challenge, the collaboration of IVET providers from different EU member states must become much more flexible and responsive to the need for renewing their offer within the framework of the Industry 4.0 domains.


• To reinforce the capacities of three initial vocational education and training (IVET) centres/secondary schools from Croatia, Estonia and Portugal for the development of the state-of-the-art curriculum in the field of Mechatronics at the upper secondary level in response to emerging Industry 4.0 paradigm/ the fast changing Industry 4.0-related labour market needs.
• To strengthen capacities of IVET teachers from three IVET centres/secondary schools from Croatia, Estonia and Portugal for hybrid collaboration in the delivery of the Curriculum Framework for Industry 4.0 Mechatronics.


• Comparative Analysis – Challenges and implications for VET providers at the upper secondary level in respect to Industry 4.0 trends/labour markets needs.
• Joint staff training 1 – Innovative use of digital education content / advanced remote learning practices in the delivery of IVET programmes in the field of Mechatronics;
• Joint staff training 2 – Impact of the Industry 4.0 trends on the delivery of IVET programmes in the field of Mechatronics;
• Joint staff training 3 – Application of the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) methodology in the delivery of VET programmes at the upper secondary level
• Development of the model “Hybrid Learning Lab for Industry 4.0 Mechatronics”
• Piloting of the model “Hybrid Learning Lab for Industry 4.0 Mechatronics” in three IVET centres in Croatia, Estonia and Portugal.
• Multiplier Events to disseminate the results and project-based web-platform.

Elektrostrojarska skola (CRO) lead partner
Tartu Vocational College (EE)
Stowarzyszenie na rzecz innowacji i edukacji (PL)
FORAVE – Associação para a Educação Profissional do Vale do Ave (PT)

01.11.2021 – 01.11.2023

See more from the project website: https://ess.hr/hll/

Project manager/contact person:
Kaire Mets,


News and materials

Integrating Industry 4.0 Skills Through Problem-based Learning Modules
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