Multilingual Car Mechanics E-Pictionary

The Project aims at creating an online Multilingual Car Mechanics E-Pictionary in 6 European languages (German, Spanish, French and Lithuanian, Estonian, Slovenian languages).

The Resource will correspond with the needs of the EU Car mechanics sector for easily accessible professional database of terms, car mechanics’ tool names, car part names and systems names which are supported with a real life photo. Such free of charge Pictionary for car mechanics containing a large and systematically grouped amount of information in one place will create added value for professionalism increase in a wide range of VET educational establishments and among individuals.
The professional community of car mechanics VET sector and transport sector as a whole is lacking digital up-to-date material of such wide scope that would be both appealing and professional at the same time. This Strategic Partnership will result in exactly this – Multilingual Car Mechanics E-Pictionary will fill in the current gap of similar e-tools within sector.

The Project is dividend into work packages:
1) Project management;
2) Training event and other transnational project team’s work meetings;
3) IT technical provision of Multilingual Car Mechanics E-Pictionary platforms in
national languages;
4) Work of car mechanics and electronics experts and IT technicians.

Vilniaus automechanik os ir verslo mokykla (LT)
Vilniaus technologiju ir dizaino kolegija (LT)
Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional Someso (SP)
Berufsschule für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik (GE)
Strokovni izobrazevalni center Ljubljana (SLO)
Tartu Rakenduslik Kolledž (EE)

01.09.2022 – 31.08.2024

Project contact person:
Andrei Atškasov (; tel 7361 894)