International customer service course

Would you like to know more about customer service? How to serve people who aren’t from your culture? How to connect with companies abroad? How to sell you items to them? If “yes”, take our international customer service course.

The course is intended for  trade/commerce/business students (level 4 or 5)  and it will be held in english language.

Lasting ten days, in customer service course you learn:

  • how customer service works and how to use it in different cultures
  • how to find new business partners abroad
  • how to sell the way people like to buy
  • to communicate in english

The entire course is structured using the active learning method and the teacher uses modern learning approaches.

The training also includes study visit to a business company, school lunches, “Meet and Greet” event and cultural activities in European Culture Capital Tartu 2024

Next training session: 26.10. – 9.11.2024 in Tartu

The participation in the program could be financed by Erasmus+ programme as mobility (VET learners traineeships in vocational institutions abroad).

Please contact us for more information:

Triinu Virnas is our business and trade teacher who has a lot of practical experience in customer service and sales. She teaches VOCO´s sales and commerce students and is fan of flipped classroom.
She have developed the International customer service course together with our partners in Denmark and put it into practice.  Since students appreciated the practical way of learning, we offer the course internationally.
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The training outcomes are:

  • understands the content and implementation principles of the customer service process
  • knows how to serve customers from different cultures
  • knows how to establish business relations with new foreign partners
  • knows the stages of the sales process and applies them

The program costs 360€ per student and it includes:

  • Ten days training at our college and study visit(s) to a business company
  • Welcome dinner and farewell cake
  • School lunches
  • Cultural activities – city sightseeing and culture programme in Tartu

The course fee can be financed by Erasmus+ programme as mobility (VET learners traineeships in vocational institutions abroad).

Contact us:

In addition we recommend reasonable accommodation  in our student hotel (twin rooms or apartment type rooms where there is also a kitchenette) that situates conveniently at the school campus.
One night in a twin room costs about 30 EUR (breakfast included). 

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  • I know about Echobot, which is a channel to find and connect with international clients. Interesting presentations.
  • I learnt that not all markets and regions are alike, you have to do some research before you make assumptions about culture and behavior.
  • We learned how to communicate better and how to do teamwork. 

Read the article El  nostre Erasmus a Estonia from Spanish students who participated at the customer service course in Tartu.