Estonia is known and recognized worldwide as a successful and innovative e-state.

Estonia is also the country known for its high quality education testament to which are PISA test scores – the knowledge and skills of Estonian 15-year-olds are the best in Europe.  We believe that one of the success factors is e-school.  See more from here  and here  

Education is valued in Estonian society — it has always been considered both a guarantee of individual success and one of the main drivers of the country’s development.

The level of education of Estonian people is one of the highest in the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). Ninety percent of 25- to 64-year-olds have at least upper secondary education, the OECD average is 75%.

High-quality education is equally accessible to all, and obtaining education does not depend on the socio-economic background of parents or the gender of the student, as the state and the local government support the education of all children

Over the past 20 years, Estonia has undertaken multiple reforms that have made obtaining education more learner-centered, modern, and forward-looking. We have applied best practices from other countries and have been assertive in discovering and trying new things.*

Read more about our education services and products from and about studying in Estonia at
