Smart outreach by informing, inspiring and engaging adult learners  (IN4MARE)

Studies have shown that despite numerous training options available for adults, all potential target groups are not involved in. According to PIAAC data, only 20% of adults with low skills participate in job-related adult learning. Data from the 2016 Adult Education Survey (AES) says that 11.6% of adults with low skills looked for learning opportunities compared to 35.5% of adults with high skill levels. Similar learning gaps characterize other marginal groups (other language, marginalized groups by age, race or gender). Thus the lifelong learning strategies need support by smarter outreach strategies.

Last decade has changed the way of communication. Marketing guru Philip Kotler says that recent research across industries show that most customers believe
more in the f-factor (friends, families, Facebook Fans and Twitter Followers) than in marketing communication. Peer-to-peer information said to be 4 times more “sticky” than official information.

Studies has shown also that adults, especially marginal groups tend to be more skeptical towards official information and need much more individual approach in
communication. Along with the growing flexibility of study forms, acceptance of informal learning or mixing curriculas also the forms and channels of communication needs restart and develop more innovative and inclusive communication tools and channels to reach efficiently to adult learners.

The AIM of the project is raise learning demand by development of smart outreach tools in adult education target groups.

1) design methods for adult education institutions and provide knowledge to participant organisations staff on how to inform, inspire and engage adult learners in communication
2) test innovative communication and marketing tools within project partnership and demonstrate the best practice to adult education sector;
3) promote smart outreach.

1) three short-term training events to exchange experience, learn on how to engage adult learners in communication process and learn how to build up a smart outreach campaign;
2) piloting of the outreach campaign to test tools and methods and find innovative solutions;
3) share the lessons learned and compile 2 intellectual outputs: publication “Instruction package on how to involve adult learners” and webinar “Smart outreach: practical tools and tips”;
4) promote the smart outreach approach via dissemination and 5 national multiplier events.

Tartu Vocational College (lead partner)
Eesti Vabaharidusliit MTÜ (EE)
Sdrudzenie Znam i Moga (BU)
Cooperativa Sociale Prometeo onlus a Mutualita Prevalente (IT)
CIAPE – Centro Italiano per l´apprendimento permanente (IT)
Helsinki Business College (FI)
Magenta Consultoria Projects SL (SP)

01.10.2020 – 30.11.2022

See the webinar “Smart outreach: practical tools and tips” and learn tools and tips about our adult education promotion practices.

See the webinar with estonian subtitles.

See the webinar with bulgarian subtitles.

See the Instruction package “How to engage adult learners into communication activities” in english language and printable version #IN4MARE_BROSHURE_ENG

Vaata eestikeelset juhendmaterjali JUHEND_Kuidas kaasata kommunikatsiooni täiskasvanud õppija

See the instruction package in finnish language Opas_Kuinka osallistaa oppijoita organisaation markkinointiin ja viestintaan

See the instruction package in italian language Come coinvolgere discenti adulti attraverso attività di comunicazione

See the instruction package in spanish language Paquete de instrucciones sobre cómo involucrar al alumnado adulto en actividades de comunicación

See the instruction package in bulgarian language Инструкции за включване на възрастни учащи в иновативното образование

See the  IN4MARE Brochure

Project manager/contact person:
Kaire Mets,