Excellence Network Designing Vocational Education for Sustainable Development in Europe (BBNE) 

The main objective of the project is to create a strong, functioning network of European centres of excellence in vocational education and training, which will develop the future vocational education in the vocational schools of the project partners.  For this a common framework of reference for future skills and competences will be developed.

The project will organise 7 international conferences in partner countries (including a workshop on future offices, a world café, dialogue forums and expert panel discussions, forums with policy makers).
Each partner school will develop a common implementation strategy that will shape Centres of Excellence in EU.

Expected results: 
* Effective networking and better cooperation between local, national and regional authorities and international organisations.
* Vocational education and training are making VET more digital, sustainable, future-skills oriented and international.
* Creating Centres of Excellence in Vocational Education and Training in project
partner organisations.
* Involving policy makers for the successful further development of vocational schools.

Berufsbildende Schulen 1 Uelzen (DE)
Tartu Vocational College (EE)
Association La Châtaigneraie (FR)
Istituto D’Istruzione Superiore Giotto Ulivi (IT)
Studienseminar Hannover LBS (DE)
Ausbildungszentrum für Sozialberufe der Caritas der Diözese Graz Seckau Wielandgasse (AU)

01.09.2022 – 01.09.2023

Project manager:
Andrei Atškasov (andrei.atskasov@voco.ee)