DIHUB stakeholder seminar: “Forecast: Mostly cloudy, with periods of sun”
You are welcome to participate on the stakeholder seminar: “Forecast: Mostly cloudy, with periods of sun” (“Homme on pilves, selgimistega..”) between vocational education providers, companies and public sector representatives to discuss the introduction of cloud technologies uptake by small and medium size companies with the help of VET providers.
The recent OSKA research forecast indicates, that Estonian ICT sector and all other sectors of the economy need to meet every year at least 2,600 new ICT professionals – more than 18,000 people in seven years. More jobs will be created for software and system developers. Already today – data scientists, analysts and cyber security specialists could been found only by headhunting.
06.06.2022 at 12.30 – 15.30 in VOCO, Tartu
House Tour of Tartu Vocational College (VOCO, IT Department)
– The DIHUB project – an introduction of the project and the International HUB model – Helsinki Business College
– Estonian HUB model – concept and how it should work in real life? – BCS Koolitus AS
– Piloting the cloud technologist´s curricula in 5 countries – the business cases: examples of best practices BCS Koolitus AS, VOCO, SMEs
– Teaching methods of how to deliver team-based learning and coaching; TOY-methodology experimentation; problem-based learning and agile project management usage in vocational education – VOCO and BCS Koolitus
– Discussion session: How could we benefit the most from the DIHUB national HUB model? SME-School-student-public authorities cooperation – BCS Koolitus
New Technologies are evolving and a word „CLOUD“ has become familiar to almost everyone.
Demand for IT specialists is growing fast. One way of coping with the need is to work hand-in-hand with multiple stakeholders – collaborate to identify the skills and competencies expected by the labour market; Create and update curricula to provide companies with competitive workforce; Provide educational institutions with suitable frameworks that would enable all counterparts to work on a common goal.
Lifelong learning and work-based learning are increasingly gaining attention by all sectors. The applicability of work-based learning models as such are highly valued and recommended. Based on the piloting results of an international cooperation project – DIHUB, we would like to introduce our findings and an international HUB model for setting up cooperation between multiple parties. But this is just a humble start in developing future scenarios to meet the forecasted need for IT professionals.
Working language: English
The program includes „a walking lunch“, offered by VOCO student Restaurant.
Representatives from the Ministry of Education and Research; vocational training centres teaching IT (IT Akadeemia), public and umbrella organizations curating education and employment; small and medium size enterprises.
Registration form open by 01.06.2022 on: https://forms.office.com/r/6P6yzmX6yt
Event organisers:
Signe Vedler, VOCO and Triin Kangur, BCS Koolitus AS
The DIHUB project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
See more about DIHUB project