Mobility For Vocational Education and Training (MOBVET)

Mobility indicators, especially in the field of vocational education and training are low in Europe. In 2015, Eurostat calculated that, on average 3.1% IVET learners (at ISCED level 3) travel as part of their learning experience. By 2020, the aim of the European Council is for at least 6% of all 18-34 year-olds, with a VET background, to be granted a learning experience abroad. According to the Cedefop Mobility Scoreboard that monitors VET mobility based on 14 key action areas, the average EU performance for 2017, in terms of ensuring quality for mobility, is considered unsatisfactory.

The adoption of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) draws attention to the capacity of individual countries to facilitate a system to support and monitor progress in ECVET implementation. It is being increasingly recognised, that apart from system capacity, it is crucial that teachers have the knowledge and skills to promote learner mobility. This raises the issue of initial and continuing professional development for teachers.

In order to promote successful learner mobility and greater progress in the adoptation of ECVET across Europe, we also have to address the professional development needs of VET teachers. It is increasingly recognised that teachers are an important key to unlocking the potential of ECVET and that they need special competences in order to support the mobility of learners. Special attention will be paid to learners with educational difficulties in order to support inclusive education in VET programs and in VET teacher education.

The overall aim of the project is to make students and teachers better equipped to work in international environments, both at home and abroad.

The two main objectives for the project are:
Firstly, to create a functional and sustainable strategic partnership to facilitate the internationalisation of VET programmes. The strategic partnership is the main body that will work to implement the project successfully and generate real value for institutions, countries and the wider European community.

The second objective is to create a specific tool for internationalisation, which is not currently available. We aim to generate a digital environment (hereinafter named Platform), which will provide support and practical help to VET institutions. This will be a multidimensional environment, designed to assist VET programmme teachers, trainers and students to develop their intercultural competences and reflection skills before, during and after a period of mobility. The platform will support international mobility, preparing and helping teachers and students through practical advice and the sharing of valuable learning experiences.

See more from website:

University of Tartu (EE)
Tartu Vocational Education Centre (EE)
University of Applied Sciences in Jyvaskyla (FI)
Vocational College Lappia, Tornio (FI)
West Nottinghamshire College (UK)
Acta Center (RO)

01.10.2018 – 30.09.2020