Shaping Digitally Supported and Sustainability-Oriented Centers of Excellence in Vocational Education and Training in Europe

The Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDG), the UNESCO World Action Program (WAP), EU Education Area 2025, the National Action Plan (NAP) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) have a great influence on shaping of excellent places of learning for vocational education in Europe.

In the future, a globally competitive European economy will essentially be characterized by excellent, highly qualified and sustainability-oriented training institutions, including vocational schools. Europe´s dual vocational training must be more digital and sustainable and of a very high (excellent) quality so that EU skilled workers with high employment opportunities (minimized risk of unemployment) as service providers can lead a self-determined and secure life. This individual security of life and the consequent relief of social welfare systems contribute significantly to the social stability of Europe.

The vocational training network of VET practitioners enables systematic dialogue on organizational structures, sustainability-oriented learning location management, ESD project management, building equipment and material resources, teacher training, digital support systems (in nursing and E-Governance) and necessary administrative improvements through the establishment of state and federal institutes of Vocational Education and their networking throughout Europe.

The jointly developed reference framework for the design of digitally supported and sustainability oriented centers of excellence in VET will promote the further development of national VET systems and the further harmonization of European VET.

Berufsbildende Schulen 1 Uelzen (GE)
Tartu Vocational College (EE)
Association La Châtaigneraie (FR)
Istituto D’Istruzione Superiore Giotto Ulivi (IT)
Studienseminar Hannover LBS (GE)
Ausbildungszentrum für Sozialberufe der Caritas der Diözese Graz Seckau Wielandgasse (AU)

01.10.2019 – 30.09.2021

Project coordinator/contact person:
Andrei Atškasov (ph: +372 7361 894 e-mail: