Auto-Cove 2.0 

Automotive Engineering field employs 14.6 million people in Europe and the whole field is in the middle of a huge change of technologies. The vehicles produced need to comply with several environmental standards and there is a huge push in the sector towards modern technologies with less environmental impact.

The existing curricula in VET schools and the training provided by the VET sector in Europe does not cover the subjects necessary to keep up with the emerging technologies as far as upkeep, maintenance and repair of the vehicles already on the market and in use by the general public. The automotive industry is constantly developing new modes of transport that use renewable energy. New innovations and fuel technologies require a new kind of expertise in the automotive industry. This also requires a reform of vocational training.

There is currently an urgent need to reform vocational education and training in the automotive sector, as skills for servicing electrified (including electric and hybrid vehicles) and hydrogen vehicles are increasingly needed.

According to Lawmakers in European parliament voted in June 2022 to mandate that all new car and van sales should be zero emissions from 2035 as part of efforts to clean up road transport. The legislation is a key part of the Fit for 55 package and mandates that carmakers should reduce their fleetwide emission averages by 100 percent from 2035, with interim steps in 2025 and 2030. These decisions accelerate car users’ transition towards electrified and hydrogen vehicles.

To respond this challenge, Auto-Cove 2.0 consortium develops:
1) innovative study modules and training courses of alternative fuel vehicle service and sales on three EQF– levels in this project: 4, 5 and 6.
– study modules for technical and business students in EQF-level 4
– training courses for vehicle engineer students at tertiary level: EQF-level 5
2) training courses for Vehicle field teachers at vocational colleges and universities of applied sciences
3) training courses for upskilling already working workshop leaders, car mechanics and vehicle sales and spare parts salespersons in vehicle industry in all seven partner countries.

See more from the project website 

The Joint Authority of Education in Espoo Region, Omnia (FI)
Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy (FI)
Bilia Oy Ab (FI)
Volvo Car Finland Oy Ab (FI)
Tartu Rakenduslik Kolledž (EE)
Eesti Maaülikool (EE)
Toyota Baltic AS (EE)
Jakob Preh Schule (DE)
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt (DE)
Preh GMBH (DE)
Kauno Technikos Kolegija (LT)
Kaunas TVEC (LT)
Stichting Regionaal Onderwijs centrum’s Hertogen-Bosch (NL)
Electude International B.V. (NL)
Ventspils Tehnikums (LV)
Societé D’Enseignement Professionelle du Rhône (FR)

01.07.2023 – 31.06.2027

Project manager:
Ismail Mirzojev (

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