Making Future Education Accessible (MaFEA)

Society is changing rapidly and Europe urgently needs education systems fit for the digital age. 2020 was a challenging year. According to the report ‘The State of Technology in Education 2020/2021’ over 80% of educators have identified technology as a great way to improve engagement in classrooms.  During the COVID-19 period it was revealed that virtual teaching and the use of technology is not about futuristic, start-up solutions. There is a concrete need to find new technologies, methods and materials to make teaching and learning more effective and interesting. In the
dramatical new situation which manifested itself in 2020 VET education faced problems regarding access and equality to use digital tools, networks and channels. First research shows that schools are faced with a variety of attitudes and skills whilst transferring to e-learning, both of teachers and students. Pupils and students need more personalised support matching their different backgrounds and opportunities. The whole system of interaction is changed and it is also necessary to re-think how to be social. VET systems have to respond to digitalisation and the future of the world of work by developing new, virtual teaching and training methods and by using futuristic educational technologies.  The Cedefop’s post-2020 strategy and The Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) stress inclusive and accessible digital education in Europe and also the use of new technologies to make education and training systems fit for the digital age. The European skills and jobs survey highlights the new skills needed in labour. These changes require digitally competent and confident education and training staff, high-quality learning content, userfriendly tools and secure platforms.  The Mafea-project aims at modernising education, activating and motivating students by making teaching and learning more interesting and effective.

The main objective of the MAFEA project is to provide pedagogical opportunities, examples and good practices of application of new technologies for all teachers and students in VET education. Modernising teaching and training methods will raise the quality of VET, ensure a good interaction between VET and the labour market, support digital and inclusive education as well as lifelong learning in the five partner countries.

1) Analysis of the market for new educational technologies for our sectors; Guiding successful adoption of new technologies and developing educational learning paths for new technologies to be used in classrooms or e-learning trajectories.
2) 4 learning, teaching, training activities (LTT) for teachers,
3) Testing new technologies in partner schools, national meetings for creating new content, national piloting of new content
4) 5 multiplier events (ME)

See more from the project website:

Emmaüsinstituut (BE) lead partner
Stichting Chr onderwijsgroep Vallei en Gelderland-Midden (NE)
Aula de Comércio – Estudos Técnicos e Profissionais, Lda (PO)
Tartu Vocational College (EE)

Duration: 01.11.2021 – 01.03.2024

Project coordinator/contact person:
Kaire Mets (+372 7361 877;


MaFEA project brings new technological solutions to VOCO
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