Testing new Approaches to Training VET and Workplace Tutors for Work Based Learning (TTT4WBL)

The project supports an innovative approach – tandem training – for the
training of trainers in work-based learning (WBL) of the Baltic countries – Latvia,
Lithuania and Estonia.
It will develop and pilot a sample training program for in-company and vocational education and training (VET) institutions’ trainers. A common competence profile of WBL trainers in the Baltics will promote a common Baltic vision while respecting the needs of each particular country in developing the training porgrams for WBL trainers.

At a later stage each Baltic country will develop its own training program in relation to the national priorities, legal framework and the interests and opinions of involved stakeholders in the particular country and based on a common agreed competence profile of a WBL trainer.

A Finnish research institute is providing a methodological support based on the
analysis of the opinions of involved stakeholders from all the Baltic countries.

National Centre for Education (LV)
The Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia
The Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Baltic Bright (LV)
Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre (LT)
Lithuanian Association of Vocational Training Institutions
Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts (LT)
Tartu Vocational Education Centre (EE)
JAMK University of Applied Sciences (FI)

01.01.2017 – 31.01.2020

Projekt coordinator/contact person:
Ülle Antson (Ph +372 736 1876, e-mail: ylle.antson@khk.ee)

Materials: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zeefawNkCiWoOsnDcwY8UIHbihCFqI6v